Healthy Morning



How to be fit, if you have busy schedule in daily routine?

1. What to do, when you get up early in the morning?

Image result for drink water

First of  all, when you wake up early in the morning, try to take at least minimum 2 glass of warm water. This warm water helps to clean your stomach from inside and it help in digestion system.

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2. Some Yoga or Exercise 

    This is most important thing to done by most of the people to become or stay healthy.

Image result for breakfast meals3. Healthy meal in Breakfast..

       Its depends on your own choice what kind of meal you want to take in breakfast. Take meal full and enrich with fibers. If you take fruit juice instead of fresh fruits so, they less beneficial to body as compare to the fruits because the fruits enrich with high fibers and juices have less fibers.  



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