1. Options to take light meal in "BREAKFAST" ?
(a) Rawa / Suji Balls
This recipe take few minutes to cook and this is very healthy as well as easy to digest very tasty also.
(b) Poha

This is one of the best meal to take in breakfast. Quick to make and less time consuming.

(c) Upma
Upma is whole vegetable meal to take in breakfast due to many kinds of vegetable in this, it becomes more healthier and tastier.
(d) Fruit Salad
we can take fruit salad in breakfast because it is beneficial more then the fruit juice. It contains high fibers as compare to the fruits juice. Due to its high fibers make it better meal to take in breakfast.

(e) Plain Dosa
This is light meal to absolutely good for the breakfast. It is easy to make or you can made it with its instant powder which is already available in the market. It is less time taking meal and it is really tasty.
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